Life is Feudal Wiki
Crafting skill
Attributes Skills
Primary Strength Requires Kilning
Secondary Constitution Unlocks Weaponsmithing
Skill Progression
Level Description
All Maximum quality of produced weapons
0 Can smelt lumps and bars from iron and copper ore. Can forge nails.
30 Can smelt ingots from iron and copper. Can forge metal tools and parts.
60 Can smelt steel. Can smelt bars and ingots from gold and silver nuggets. Can forge advanced tools and parts from metal.
90 Can melt down (recycle) metal tools, metal parts, weapons and armor. Can smelt Vostascus steel.
100 Permanent +10 bonus to luck during the use of Forging abilities. Luck affects the probability of reducing the duration of Forging abilities by 20%. Waste less materials during the recycling of metal items.
Skill ID 4

Forging is the one tier 2 crafting skill in the Kilning branch. It allows to create metal tools and parts from processed materials. Also it is possible to smelt lumps, bars and ingots from ores. Level 30 of Kilning is required to learn this skill. To increase Forging past level 30, Kilning skill must be at level 60.

Requirements[ | ]

Here is a list of items, tools, and devices that a character needs to have in order to use the skill's abilities

Items[ | ]

Forge Tools[ | ]

Devices[ | ]

Procedure[ | ]

You need a smelting tool equipped, such as a Primitive crucible and stick.

  • Place either Billets or Charcoal into a Furnace and light it.
    • For metal tools/weapons, after the furnace is lit, right-click the forge and go to Forge - Metal Tools/Weapons.
  • Add ore (lumps, bars or ingots) to the furnace.
  • Use the bellows to increase the temperature to 1,000 for gold, silver, and copper, 1,500 for iron or steel, and 2,000 for Vostaskus.
  • Maintain the temperature using Billets or Charcoal as the ore or metal begins to melt. The temperature will drop exactly 3 minutes into the process requiring the use of bellows.
  • Once the source items had heated fully, smelt them into the desired item.

Recipes[ | ]

The skill gives the character the ability to forge metal tools and metal parts. A character can only forge items if equipped with a Blacksmith's hammer/Primitive hammer and using a forging device (such as Forge and anvil or Blacksmith's Shop), that is on which is fueled by charcoal or Hardwood billets.

Level 0[ | ]

Image Name Type Materials Required Crafting Skill Required
Nails Metallic manufactured products 10x Common lumps Regional Forging 0
Anvil Metallic manufactured product 1x Clay anvil form
8x Common ingots Regional
Forging 0
Iron bar
Iron Bar Common bars 4x Iron ore Regional Forging 0
Copper bar
Copper bar Common bar 4x Copper ore Forging 0
Lump of iron
Lump of Iron Common lumps 1x Iron ore Regional Forging 0
Lump of copper
Lump of copper Common lump 1x Copper ore Forging 0

Level 30[ | ]

Image Name Type Materials Required Crafting Skill Required
Glassblowers toolkit
Glassblower's Toolkit Toolkit 2x Common bars Forging 30
Lamp Metallic manufactured product 3x Glass
1x Naphtha
1x Common ingots
Forging 30
Shovel Shovel 1x Handle
4x Common bars
Forging 30
Blacksmiths hammer
Blacksmith's Hammer Primitive, blacksmith's or believer hammer 1x Branch
1x Common ingots
Forging 30
Hatchet Hatchet 1x Handle
2x Common ingots
Forging 30
Pickaxe Pickaxe 1x Handle
2x Common ingots
Forging 30
Saw Saw 2x Handle
3x Common bars
Forging 30
Big falchion
Big Falchion Hand-and-a-half sword 1x Common ingots
1x Thick leather (any)
Forging 30
Metal band
Metal Band Metallic manufactured products 5x Common bars Forging 30
Knife Knife 1x Handle
3x Common lumps
Forging 30
Skinning knife
Skinning knife Knife 1x Handle
1x Common bars
Forging 30
Cooking pot
Cooking pot Cooking pot 4x Copper bar Forging 30
Carpenters toolkit
Carpenter's toolkit Toolkit 4x Handle
4x Common bars
Forging 30
Jewelers toolkit
Jeweler's toolkit Toolkit 4x Handle
4x Common bars
Forging 30
Weavers toolkit
Weaver's Toolkit Sewing tools 2x Handle
2x Common bars
Forging 30
Crucible and tongs
Crucible and tongs Smelting tool 1x Common ingots Forging 30
Herbalists sickle
Sickle Sickle 1x Handle
4x Common lumps
Forging 30
Metal Components Metallic manufactured products 1x Common bars Forging 30
Iron ingot
Iron Ingot Common ingots 20x Iron ore Regional Forging 30
Copper ingot
Copper ingot Common ingot 20x Copper ore Regional Forging 30

Level 60[ | ]

Image Name Type Materials Required Crafting Skill Required
Distiller Craft tool 3x Copper bar
1x Copper ingot
Forging 60
Hardened steel pickaxe
Hardened Steel Pickaxe Pickaxe 1x Handle
1x Case-hardened ingots
Forging 60
Lock Metallic manufactured products 2x Toughened bars Forging 60
Metal sheet
Metal Sheet Metallic manufactured products 2x Common ingots Regional Forging 60
Animal trap
Animal Trap Metallic manufactured products 5x Common bars Forging 60
Case hardened steel ingot
Case-hardened Steel Ingot Case-hardened ingots 1x Steel ingot
10x Rocksalt
Forging 60
Toughened steel ingot
Toughened Steel Ingot Toughened ingots 1x Steel ingot
10x Brimstone
Forging 60
Case hardened iron ingot
Case-hardened Iron Ingot Case-hardened ingots 1x Iron ingot
10x Rocksalt
Forging 60
Toughened iron ingot
Toughened Iron Ingot Toughened ingots 1x Iron ingot
10x Brimstone
Forging 60
Toughened iron bar
Toughened Iron Bar Toughened bars 1x Iron bar
2x Brimstone
Forging 60
Case hardened iron bar
Case-hardened Iron Bar Case-hardened bars 1x Iron bar
2x Rocksalt
Forging 60
Case hardened steel bar
Case-hardened Steel Bar Case-hardened bars 1x Steel bar
2x Rocksalt
Forging 60
Toughened steel bar
Toughened Steel Bar Toughened bars 1x Steel bar
2x Brimstone
Forging 60
Case hardened toughened metal band
Case-hardened Metal Band Metallic manufactured products 1x Metal band
2x Rocksalt
Forging 60
Case hardened metal sheet
Case-hardened Metal Sheet Metallic manufactured products 1x Metal sheet
10x Rocksalt
Forging 60
Case hardened chainmail
Case-hardened Chainmail Metallic manufactured products 1x Chainmail
2x Rocksalt
Forging 60
Case hardened small metal plate
Case-hardened Small metal plate Metallic manufactured products 1x Small metal plate
2x Rocksalt
Forging 60
Case hardened metal plate
Case-hardened Metal plate Metallic manufactured products 1x Metal plate
4x Rocksalt
Forging 60
Case hardened scale strip
Case-hardened Scale strip Metallic manufactured products 1x Scale strip
2x Rocksalt
Forging 60
Toughened metal band
Toughened Metal Band Metallic manufactured products 1x Metal band
2x Brimstone
Forging 60
Toughened metal sheet
Toughened Metal Sheet Metallic manufactured products 1x Metal sheet
10x Brimstone
Forging 60
Toughened chainmail
Toughened Chainmail Metallic manufactured products 1x Chainmail
2x Brimstone
Forging 60
Toughened small metal plate
Toughened Small metal plate Metallic manufactured products 1x Small metal plate
2x Brimstone
Forging 60
Toughened metal plate
Toughened Metal plate Metallic manufactured products 1x Metal plate
4x Brimstone
Forging 60
Toughened scale strip
Toughened Scale strip Metallic manufactured products 1x Scale strip
2x Brimstone
Forging 60
Steel bar
Steel Bar Common bars 2x Iron bar Regional
6x Flux
Forging 60
Lump of steel
Lump of Steel Common lumps 2x Lump of iron Regional
2x Flux
Forging 60
Lump of gold
Gold Nugget Precious lumps 1x Gold bar Forging 60
Lump of silver
Silver Nugget Precious lumps 1x Silver bar Forging 60
Steel ingot
Steel Ingot Common ingots 2x Iron ingot Regional
12x Flux
Forging 60
Silver bar
Silver Bar Precious bars 8x Silver nugget Forging 60
Silver ingot
Silver Ingot Precious ingots 40x Silver nugget Forging 60
Gold bar
Gold Bar Precious bars 8x Gold nugget Forging 60
Gold ingot
Gold Ingot Precious ingots 40x Gold nugget Forging 60

Level 90[ | ]

Image Name Type Materials Required Crafting Skill Required
Case hardened vostaskus ingot
Case-hardened Vostaskus Ingot Case-hardened ingots 1x Vostaskus ingot
10x Rocksalt
Forging 90
Toughened vostaskus ingot
Toughened Vostaskus Ingot Toughened ingots 1x Vostaskus ingot
10x Brimstone
Forging 90
Toughened vostaskus bar
Toughened Vostaskus Bar Toughened bars 1x Vostaskus bar
2x Brimstone
Forging 90
Case hardened vostaskus bar
Case-hardened Vostaskus Bar Case-hardened bars 1x Vostaskus bar
2x Rocksalt
Forging 90
Irregular alloy
Irregular Alloy Bars 2x Steel bar Regional
2x Copper bar
2x Lump of silver
1x Lump of gold
Forging 90
Lump of vostaskus
Lump of Vostaskus Steel Common lumps 1x Vostaskus bar Regional Forging 90
Vostaskus bar
Vostaskus Bar Common bars 30x Irregular alloy Regional Forging 90
Vostaskus ingot
Vostaskus Ingot Common ingots 40x Lump of vostaskus steel Regional Forging 90

Item Quality[ | ]

Quality Caps[ | ]

There are three possible limiters to the quality of an item produced with the Forging skill: skill level, material used, and a non-linear recipe function, which the next section is dedicated to.

The first limiter is Skill. You can never craft a Forging item with a quality higher than your Forging Skill Level.

The second limiter is on the type of material used. Crafting an item out of Iron or Steel will produce an item with a quality lower than predicted by the recipe. Items made with Iron will be at 60% of the predicted quality and Steel at 80%. Consequently, this means that Iron and Steel has upper quality limits of 60 and 80 respectively. Items made from Copper and Vostaskus Steel don't have a quality multiplier.

Non-linear Quality Function[ | ]

Unlike most crafted items, the final quality for an item crafted with the Forging skill doesn't necessarily result in the quality as predicted by the recipe. There is a noticeable exponential function or modifier to the quality of produced items.


The red line represents if the predicted quality by the item recipe. The blue line is what has been observed in game.

Items that have a predicted recipe quality between 5 and 64 turnout to have a lower quality and items with a predicted quality of 66 and higher turnout with a higher quality.

The estimated equation for determining the final quality is as follows.

nl_quality = 3 + ( predicted_recipe_quality ^ 1.35 ) / 4.5

Eg, an item predicted to have a quality of 40 from the recipe, would turnout to have a quality of 35.

Keep in mind, this is just an estimate equation derived from experimentation and not an equation found in the game files.

Complete Formula[ | ]

Combining this with the Quality Caps mentioned above, the following, and more holistic, equation can be used to determine an item quality.

nl_quality = 3 + ( predicted_recipe_quality ^ 1.35 ) / 4.5

real_quality_result = floor( min( skill_level, ( min( nl_quality * shop_bonus, 100) * material_modifier )))

The "material_modifier" is 0.6 for Iron, 0.8 for Steel, and 1 for Copper and Vostaskus Steel.

The "shop_bonus" is the bonus to quality from using the Blacksmith's shop; the "shop_bonus" is 1.2 when using a Blacksmith's shop. If using a Forge and anvil, the "shop_bonus" is 1.

These observations also apply to crafting armor components in the Armorsmithing skill.

Video guides & Training Tips[ | ]

Have a piece of advice for effective training? Edit this section and place it here!

  • Smelting Lump of iron and creating nails is the fastest way to level Forging. Nails may be recycled in multiples of 10 to return material. Alternatively, one may craft Throwing Knifes, as they are more effective in cost.

References[ | ]

MMO: Crafting skills
Artisan Artisan Construction Construction Masonry Masonry Architecture Architecture
Mining Mining Materials Processing Materials Processing Precious Prospecting Precious Prospecting Jewelry Jewelry
Forestry Forestry Carpentry Carpentry Bowcraft Bowcraft Warfare Engineering Warfare Engineering
Kilning Kilning Forging Forging Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing
Household Household Farming Farming Cooking Cooking Tailoring Tailoring
Gathering Gathering Herbalism Herbalism Healing Healing Alchemy Alchemy
Hunting Hunting Procuration Procuration Animal Lore Animal Lore Warhorse Training Warhorse Training