Life is Feudal Wiki
Crafting skill
Attributes Skills
Primary Willpower Requires n/a
Secondary Constitution Unlocks Herbalism
Skill Progression
Level Description
All Maximum quality of gathered herbs:
0 Can locate and gather berries and mushrooms (for eating and cooking). Can gather regular herbs with a loss of quality.
30 Can gather common herbs (with quality up to 30)
60 Can gather fresh herbs (with quality up to 60)
90 Can gather pristine herbs (with quality up to 100)
100 Permanent +5 bonus to luck during gathering
Skill ID 12

Gathering is used to gather apples from trees and herbs.

This skill depends on Willpower and Constitution.

Gathering leads to Herbalism.

Abilities[ | ]

Name Level Duration
Min – Max
Equipment Entities SStam Cooldown
Global Orders
Gather Mushrooms 0 MinTime – MaxTime None Grass tiles SUsed GCool OCool
Gather Edible berries 0 MinTime – MaxTime None Grass tiles SUsed GCool OCool
Gather Common herbs 30 MinTime – MaxTime Sickles Spawned Herbs SUsed GCool OCool
Gather Fresh herbs 60 MinTime – MaxTime Sickles Spawned Herbs SUsed GCool OCool
Gather Pristine herbs 90 MinTime – MaxTime Sickles Spawned Herbs SUsed GCool OCool

Quality and consequences for soil (Needs to be checked for MMO)[ | ]

For taproots, flint stones, throwing stones, and herbs of quality 1-29 the soil never drops.

For mushrooms and berries, wild plants (seeds), plant fibers, fresh herbs (herbs with quality 30-60) there is a 10% chance for the soil to drop 1 quality.

For pristine herbs (q61-100) there is a 20% chance for the soil to drop by 1.

Types of Herbs[ | ]

These are the current 66 different herbs. Please note that each herb should be valued the same, as each effect is different from player to player.

Picture Name (A-E) Picture Name (F-J) Picture Name (K-M) Picture Name (N-R) Picture Name (S-V)
Acerbamoretum Acerba Moretum Fakharudob Fakha Rudob Kacarovilko Kacaro Vilko Narenpandanomo Naraen Pandanomo Saltarediabolus Saltare Diabolus
Adipemnebulo Adipem Nebulo Falcemmalleorum Falcem Malleorum Kaledamesgano Kaleda Mesgano Nequissimumpropodium Nequissimum Propodium Sapientamantis Sapienta Mantis
Albusviduae Albus Viduae Fassaritolge Fassari Tolge Kalyanori Kalya Nori Noctelumen Nocte Lumen Sarmentogaute Sarmento Gaute
Aquilapeccatum Aquila Peccatum Filiaprati Filia Prati Khalarigratsi Khalari Gratsi Oscularetur Oscularetur Suryodayabahgya Suryodaya bhagya
Aureusmagistrum Aureus Magistrum Fohattatorn Fohatta Torn Kromentasalicia Kromenta Salicia Pecuariusventus Pecuarius Ventus Topasamaidana Topasa Maidana
Baccehamsa Bacce Hamsa Fuskegtraxelay Fuskegtra Xelay Kurupaandhere Kurupa Andhere Persetuhara Persetu Hara Uliyasundara Uliya Sundara
Burmentawallo Burmenta Wallo Gortakamessen Gortaka Messen Kyasagasherl Kyasaga Sherl Petrastellam Petra Stellam Utrokkakhuru Utrokka Khuru
Caecicostos Caeci Custos Gratiassivara Gratias Sivara Lasterkutta Laster Kutta Phlavarpharest Phlavar Pharest Vertatozonda Vertato Zonda
Choreairam Chorea Iram Hallatrakronye Hallatra Kronye Malafugam Mala Fugam Pitakukoro Pitaku Koro Viridiursae Viridi Ursae
Curailajangha Curaila Jangha Holmatustazo Holmatu Stazo Maunaboba Mauna Boba Pungentibuschorea Pungentibus Chorea
Curvamanus Curva Manus Huryosagulla Huryosa Gulla Memenanik Memen Anik Raktastema Rakta Stema
Desertussmilax Desertus Smilax Italiranta Ital Iranta Monsbastardus Mons Bastardus Remertaposkot Remerta Poskot
Dulcisradix Dulcis Radix Jenarovannakam Jenaro Vannakam Munchavana Muncha Vana Ripyotequamisy Ripyote Quamisy
Dustalikrabo Dustali Krabo Jukolabeshaar Jukola Beshaar Murkhabola Murkha Bola Rosakingsa Rosa Kingsa
Errantialudaeo Errantia Ludaeo

Training Tips[ | ]

  • Before you start to gather Herbs, you should hit the Level 30 on the gathering skill, by gathering Mushrooms in the Forest Areas. Start gathering Herbs afterwards (higher success chance to actually gather the Herb)
  • Hold your right mouse button until you're able to highlight the herb, then release to activate the "gather" option more easily.
  • It appears that once you hit level sixty or seventy, you can harvest normal herbs in one attempt almost every time.
  • A metal Sickle will gather herbs faster than a Primitive sickle.

MMO: Crafting skills
Artisan Artisan Construction Construction Masonry Masonry Architecture Architecture
Mining Mining Materials Processing Materials Processing Precious Prospecting Precious Prospecting Jewelry Jewelry
Forestry Forestry Carpentry Carpentry Bowcraft Bowcraft Warfare Engineering Warfare Engineering
Kilning Kilning Forging Forging Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing
Household Household Farming Farming Cooking Cooking Tailoring Tailoring
Gathering Gathering Herbalism Herbalism Healing Healing Alchemy Alchemy
Hunting Hunting Procuration Procuration Animal Lore Animal Lore Warhorse Training Warhorse Training