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MMO[ | ]

Hunting: MMO
Crafting skill
Fishing Hunting
Attributes Skills
Primary Strength Requires n/a
Secondary Agility Unlocks Procuration
Skill Progression
Level Description
All Maximum quality of obtained animal ingredients.
0 Can fish.
Can skin animal carcasses.
Can track peaceful animals.
30 Can set up snare traps.
60 Can track aggressive animals. Can set up animal traps.
90 Can gather alchemical ingredients from animal carcasses.
100 Permanent +10 bonus to luck while hunting and fishing. Luck affects the probability of catching fish and the probability of reducing the duration of hunting and fishing abilities by 20%.
Skill ID 51

Hunting is one of the seven tier 1 crafting skills. It allows you to fish, track and skin animals, use snare traps to catch small animals and animal traps and slaughter them in your inventory and to damage and root big animals.

Hunting[ | ]

You can track peaceful and aggressive animals by right clicking the ground to Look for [Peaceful/Aggressive] Animals. This will create almost straight tracks from your position to the position of the animal and follow them when they move.

The quality of the yield depends on the animal quality, type and quality of the used knife (Skinning knife > Knife > Primitive knife) and the effective Hunting skill level

  • Note: The tracks can spawn underground and be invisible. Move a few tiles and try it again until you find visible tracks.
  • Note: Tracks can periodically be underground. Imagine, they would still go into the same direction and follow them about 50 tiles, they should re-appear.
  • Note: The found track isn't necessarily from the the closest animal.

Hunted and skinned animals can serve as a source of Game meat for Household and Cooking, Hides for Procuration and Ingredients for Alchemy, but they can also be tamed and bred with Animal lore.

Tracks and tracking For more information about taming animals, see Animal lore

(Hunting 0)

Animal Behaviour Tamed verisons Aggressive

(Hunting 60)

Animal Behaviour Tamed verisons
Hare fs Hare Skittish -
Bird fs Grouse Skittish -
Boar fs Sow Peaceful Pig

Mangalica pig

Boar fs Boar Aggressive Boar

Mangalica boar

Boar fs Mutton Aggressive Sheep

Mountain sheep


Mountain ram

Bull fs Aurochs cow Peaceful Cow

Hairy cow

Bull fs Aurochs bull Aggressive Bull

Hairy Bull

Wildhorse fs Wild horse Skittish,




Moose fs Moose Skittish,


Tamed moose
Deer fs Hind Skittish - Wolf fs Wolf Aggressive -
Deer fs Deer Skittish - Bear fs Bear Aggressive -

Using traps[ | ]

Snares can be used with Hunting 30 to catch Chickens and Rabbits. The quality of the caught animals depends to a third each on the snare quality, which gets crafted with Artisan, the ground quality and the effective Hunting skill level.

Animal traps can be used with Hunting 60 to damage animals and root them for a few seconds. They won't tame those animals. The dealt damage depends on the quality of the animal trap.

Slaughtering[ | ]

Chickens and Rabbits can be slaughtered in the inventory by right clicking and choosing Slaughter! without using any tool.

Fishing[ | ]

Each body of water can be used for fishing, the type of the caught fish depends on the region.

The quality range of the caught fishes only depends on the effective Hunting skill level. The ground and water quality and also the quality and type of the used Fishing pole don't matter.

Your Own[ | ]

Crafting skill
Fishing Hunting
Attributes Skills
Primary Strength Requires n/a
Secondary Agility Unlocks Procuration
Skill Progression
Level Description
All Maximum quality of obtained animal ingredients.
0 Can fish.
Can skin animal carcasses.
Can track peacefull animals.
30 Can set up snare traps.
60 Can track agressive animals. Can set up animal traps.
90 Can gather alchemical ingredient from animal from animal carcasses.
100 Permanent +10 bonus to luck while hunting and fishing. Luck affects the probability of catching fish and the probability of reducing the duration of hunting and fishing abilities by 20%.
Skill ID 51

Hunting is one of the three tier 1 crafting skill tree branches. It allows to fish, track animals, hunt them and use snare traps to catch small animals and animal traps for the big ones. Those animals can serve as a source of meat for Cooking and Ingredients for Alchemy, but they can also be bred with Animal lore. There is no prerequisite to this skill. Note that using the Tracking ability will reveal a trail that you have to follow, and you cannot "back-track" an animal. Furthermore, it is not the path the animal previously took either, just a randomly generated path that takes into consideration the proximity of wild animals. It is also possible to see tracks leading into the lake or sea, as animals can potentially spawn underwater.

How to Hunt[ | ]

Hunting is done with either bare hands (not advisable) or a weapon.

Skill Abilities[ | ]

Lvl Ability Equipment How to perform
0 Fish Fishing pole RMB click on water -> Fish
0 Skin Skinning knife or Knife RMB click on carcass -> Skin
0 Look for Tracks of Peaceful Animals - RMB click on ground -> Look For Tracks of Peaceful Animals
0 Slaughter! Skinning knife or Knife RMB click on rabbit or chicken in bag -> Slaughter!
30 Set a Snare Snare Trap RMB click on ground -> Set a Snare
30 Check a Snare - RMB click on a Snare Trap on ground -> Check a Snare
30 Pick up a Snare - RMB click on a Snare Trap on ground -> Pick up a Snare
60 Set a Trap Animal Trap RMB click on ground -> Set a Trap
60 Pick up Trap - RMB click on ground -> Pick up a Trap
60 Look for Tracks of Aggressive Animals - RMB click on ground -> Look For Tracks of Aggressive Animals

Recipes[ | ]

Lvl 0[ | ]

Image Name Type Object size Recipe How to build
Snare trap Snare Trap Crafting devices
2 x Branch
10 x Plant fiber
1 x Apple
Construction -> Crafting

Lvl 30[ | ]

Image Name Type Object size Recipe How to build Skill required (to craft)
Animal trap Animal trap Crafting devices
5 x Common bars
Construction -> Crafting Forging: 30

Lvl 60[ | ]

Image Name Type Object size Recipe How to build
Fur hat Fur Hat Crafting devices
3 x Fur
Construction -> Crafting

Tracking[ | ]

When using the tracking skill it is possible to guess the animal being tracked by the tracks.

Track Animal Behavior Skill Ability
Hare fs Hare (wild) Cowardly 0 Track Peaceful
Bird fs Grouse Cowardly 0 Track Peaceful
Boar fs Ram (wild) 0 Track Peaceful
Boar fs Boar (wild) Hostile >30 Track Aggressive
Bull fs Aurochs Bull (wild) 60 Track Peaceful
Bull fs Aurochs Cow (wild) 60 Track Peaceful
Deer fs Deer Cowardly 0 Track Peaceful
Deer fs Hind Cowardly 0 Track Peaceful
Moose fs Moose 0 Track Peaceful
Wildhorse fs Wild horse 60 Track Peaceful
Bear fs Bear Hostile 60 Track Aggressive
Wolf fs Wolf Hostile 60 Track Aggressive

Fishing[ | ]

The quality of caught fish varies a lot, but the quality is affected by the soil on the tile that is directly underneath the water surface you are fishing from.

To get high quality fish you need to drop high quality soil into the water and fish on that specific tile. The quality of the fish will still be very random, but the highest quality fish you catch will be much higher than when fishing from low-quality soil water.

Training Tips[ | ]

Have a piece of advice for effective training? Edit this section and place it here!

  • Fishing is the most useful way to level up Hunting. Skill gain is good, Fishing poles are cheap, and the fish are good source of food and leveling up Cooking.
  • Tracking is the best way to level up Hunting if fishing is not easily accessible., especially if you macro it.
  • If level 60 is reached the tracking ability is widened to sows, boars, wolves etc, these animals are much easier to kill with the current combat system and are generally a faster way to acquire hunting-related items such as bones and hides. Before tracking, it is advised to only equip combat gear as either quick pursuits or retreats are needed on many occasions. For practical reasons a grass detail of 0 in the video options can help tremendously, as it will get rid of all vegetation making tracks easier to see and follow.

MMO: Crafting skills
Artisan Artisan Construction Construction Masonry Masonry Architecture Architecture
Mining Mining Materials Processing Materials Processing Precious Prospecting Precious Prospecting Jewelry Jewelry
Forestry Forestry Carpentry Carpentry Bowcraft Bowcraft Warfare Engineering Warfare Engineering
Kilning Kilning Forging Forging Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing
Household Household Farming Farming Cooking Cooking Tailoring Tailoring
Gathering Gathering Herbalism Herbalism Healing Healing Alchemy Alchemy
Hunting Hunting Procuration Procuration Animal Lore Animal Lore Warhorse Training Warhorse Training