Life is Feudal Wiki
Plaster tiny shack
Plaster tiny shack
Type Shack
Binding points 1
Rally points
Quantity Ingredient Influence
15 × Billets 30 %
80 × Clay 20 %
20 × Plant fiber 10 %
× [[]] %
× [[]] %
× [[]] %
× [[]] %
Durability Equipment Influence
15 Hammer 5 %
[[]] %
[[]] %
Required skill Construction
Minimum skill level 0
Skill influence 35 %
Starting tool Hammer
Crafting duration 6
Resulting quantity
Amount wanted
ID 1084

Plaster tiny shack is one of the first houses available to players. It is very simple in its design and does not require a large amount of resources which makes it a perfect house for loner hermits. The only defects this house has are its looks, which compared to tiny shack is a lot better, and the size of the interior. It also has only one binding point but this should not be a problem considering the possibility of building a small settlement using a very small quantity of resources.

NOTE: The Building size indicates how much you will need to flatten the ground with a shovel, to be able to place the structure.

Building Size


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